
La kocotte Moka’mwad

What’s happening at à La Kocotte Moka’mwad?

The Moka’mwad collective is headquartered at La Kocotte Moka’mwad, within Les Kocottes – French pun, are you getting it?

These former poultry houses (if you’re still not getting it, the French word “cocotte” means “chicken”) have been turned into a place for sharing and learning. La Kocotte Moka’mwad is a multipurpose facility where members of the citizen collective come out with great ideas to shape the city of tomorrow.

We welcome people from all backgrounds and offer activities that add value to the city. We host all kinds of training: food waste, first aid, organic agriculture, waste sorting and more!

If you have a solidarity, citizen, educational, ecological or other project, why don’t you come and see us at La Kocotte Moka’mwad to bring it to life!

La Kocotte’s purpose

What is its mission?

To foster interaction

Because two, three or four brains are always better than one!

To support learning

Through educational, citizen, artistic and circular initiatives, among others.

To engage residents

A city designed for its residents cannot be built without them.

To promote social bonding

Between the collective, its partners and residents, but also with Les Kocottes’ other tenants.

Meet the instructors

Meet our dance teachers

Odile Bellouard
Kamwad – Kizomba
Kizomba means “party” in Angola. A real source of passion for Odile! She has been living her life as a dance for over 10 years, from festivals in Turkey to San Francisco, via Reunion Island. Join her on Wednesdays at 6pm.
Terence Nagamootoo
Kamwad – Cuban Salsa and Modern Bachata
Take one step to the left with Terence, who moved back from France to Mauritius. Swing your hip to the right with your instructor – he already has Latin dance schools all over the island. Move forward-backward and get into the groove on Wednesdays from 5 pm.

Become a teacher

Register here!

That’s it, after weighing the pros and cons, you’ve decided to take the plunge? Great! To become a teacher and give lessons at La Kocotte Moka’mwad, fill in the form below.

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