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20jul16:0017:00BharatanatyamBharata Natyam: From South India to the World

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Bharata Natyam: From South India to the World

Bharata Natyam has its origins in South India and is definitely the most popular classical Indian dance in the world. Linear geometrical and symmetrical patterns are its hallmarks and it expresses intellectual concepts and human values through dance.

This art is a combination of praying, physical activity and yoga practice! Bharata Natyam has many physical and mental benefits, including cardio training, blood circulation, toned muscles, flexibility, balance, strengthening of the pelvic area as well as stimulating memory and calming down overheated spirits!

Tesjree Beharee topped her class at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute and is a graduate of Madras University. She has founded the Nritya Tej Dance Academy and will guide your every step. She has created various educational shows, including “Facets of Bharata Natyam” (2016), “Essence & Origins of Bharata Natyam” (2018) and “Mareech – Birth of the Pearl Island” (2019).

Come on, give it a try!

Every Wednesday

From 5pm to 6pm

At La Kocotte Moka’mwad

Places are limited. First come, first served, and first to dance!

Rs 500 per month.

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